Monday, August 25, 2014


congrats Brittany!!!! (the one on the right).  You are our winner of the 30 day free gym membership to Anytime Fitness.   This girl maintained five points every single day even while on vacation!! She is also out trying new things like the mud run that was featured in last weeks participant success story.  I am so happy that you have been a part of our challenge!!!!
Thanks again to anytime fitness!!

  Also congrats to Ange Murtha (seen here with my super cute baby).   She also had a perfect score for this week.  She is dedicated to getting her steps in to the point of marching in the isles of Walmart!!  I am so proud of her and her hard work.  She wins a Contigo water bottle that is a $20.00 value!!!  Watch out for both of these girls they just may take that grand prize!!!

NOTE: for this week I am going to change things up a bit.  Every once in awhile I miss a point for people because I get so many news feeds coming at me at the end of the night.  It is taking me hours each night to tally up everyone's points.  So from now on if you could all send me an email on myfitnesspal with your total points for the day just so you and I are both on the same page.  Even one point dropped could wreck your chances at grand prizes and I dont want to make a mistake that could ruin this for anyone.  Your email should look something like this

Logged my food and stayed in my calories  
Hit 11,200 steps (if you're Shanna Dawson you will have this many steps!!)
Met my personal goal
5 points

I will still keep my eye on news feeds but this way I wont miss anyones points or bombard you guys with clarification emails.  

I hope everyone is having as much fun as I am with this challenge.  I am currently working on two additional challenges that will hopefully have bigger prizes!!!  Thank you all for participating.  Get your friends involved it makes it more fun when your competing!!  They can still be weekly winners even if they may miss the grand prize now that we are half way through.  Thank you all for your support.
I also have a prize for the 10,000 or BUST photo challenge!!!  remember to get those in to me by the end of next week!!

Live Vibrant

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