Monday, August 11, 2014

Live Vibrant: Jonny Johnson

Today's Post comes from a pretty incredible guy that I have known for a few years now.  When I first learned of Jonny he was living in the Philippines.  I would hear his family read his letters that were oozing with happiness and positivity.  Even then I knew he was a winner.  Since that time Jonny has achieved success after success with his own journey towards health, in the business world, and most recently in motivational speaking.  One of his biggest accomplishments is as a family man!  Jonny has an equally vibrant wife Ashley and is the amazing father of twins!!!  Thanks Jonny for being apart of our 30 day challenge.  Watch for his video posts on Thursdays to help us all finish off our week strong!!    

Let me start by saying I am not where I would like to be, I don't know if I will ever get there. I have been as heavy as 280 lbs and as light as 154 lbs since I have turned 18. I feel my very best at 190-195. Life is about progress, it is about taking control of YOUR situation and progressing every day. And when you have a set back on a Wednesday you don't say "o well I will start again Monday." You say "I will be better now, I will continue my mission now!" What weight loss comes down to is your goals and your value system. When you want to lose weight you set goals. When you se your goals, write them down, on your mirror, with a dry erase marker. You will see it every day. You will see yourself seeing your goals and it will be motivating. You will see your results of your hard work at the gym while looking at your goals and your progress. You also need to remember that your VALUE SYSTEM is more important than anything. Your value system will tell you what you truly desire. Your goal says you want to lose 20 lbs, but on Friday night you go out and eat 3400 calories with your friends. So you value system does not match your goals. Your value system says that going out with friends is more important than hitting your goals and losing 20lbs. Your dedication has to match your desire. Greatness is sometimes telling your friends you can't go out tonight, or greatness is not giving in and eating that cake. Match your VALUE SYSTEM with your goals and only then will you succeed. If you want to lose twenty lbs everything you do should match. If you say you want to lose weight but can't get up in the morning to go to the gym your actually saying that sleep is more important than hitting your goal. If while you're at the gym your texting, talking on the phone or just going through the motions your value system says that while you made it to the gym, you social circle is more important than your goals. Your phone is more important than your goals. If you really desire to be fit and healthy make sure your dedication matches your desire. Remember there are so many people on the same path as you. Find someone to help push you. Good luck and see you at the gym. Jonny Johnson

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