Saturday, August 16, 2014

30 Day Challenge Successes: Brittany Maxfield

I am so excited about some of the things that are challenge members are participating in as personal goals. Thank you to Brittany Maxfield.  She is a Mommy and owner of Take Seat Rentals.  She has also been one of our toughest competitors and most willing contributors to this blog.   Let me know if you have also tried some new, cool, or challenging things!!! I would love to show you all off!

Since I am a few years away from turning 40, I decided to do 40 new things before I turn 40.  This has been a very liberating thing for me because it has given me permission to do some things that I might not do.  One of those things was a mud run.  I love to run, but I am not a runner by any means.  My friend told me that I didn't need to be able to run this 5K, it would be different.  It was so different.  It was so fun and so HARD at the same time.  We had to climb up this huge rope thing (I'm afraid of heights), go down a fireman pole, climb over walls, go up and down a tipping board and army crawl through some major mud pits.  I used so many muscles today and I felt so wonderful after.  My stomach muscles will probably be the most sore because of all the laughing I did.  

Many times I think we look at exercising as torture and not something fun.  Today was an example of getting in some good exercise but having so much fun.  I don't think I looked at it as exercise at all.  Well I did a little bit because I needed to get my steps in.  Anyway, I'm a mom of three who is way busier than I should be, I weigh a bit more than I should, but I put myself out there.  I want to encourage everyone to find something that will challenge you and give you the opportunity to have fun as well.

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