Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Expert Advice....NOT !

Well our expert advice segment was kind of a bust for week one.  Everyone fell through.  I decided to look for other experts who had publicly posted something but so much of it all bored me.  So I thought I would tell you why I decided to do the challenge.

The story starts on last Leap Year when I had my second baby.  The pregnancy went great and we were ecstatic for our second baby girl to come on such a fun day. (leap year babies supposedly have magical powers lol)  Everything went well, much better than the first, and I delivered her at 2:15 pm.  Everything seemed perfect but as the day went on it became more and more painful for me to move my legs.  It started with trouble climbing in and out of the bed and within a few days I experienced a total loss of movement in my legs without assistance.  This was also accompanied by a 106 degree fever that made my body shake until my muscles would throb.

As a result my baby was sent home to live with my mom while my husband and I were stuck at Intermountain Medical Center for an additional week, ten days total.   During this time I was on heavy around the clock antibiotics which made me nauseated and miserable.  I also had labs drawn multiple times  a day and every form of imaging that the doctor could possibly order only to end up septic and depressed.   

A few days into this stay the doctor ordered an ultrasound of my heart because my lab work showed signs of Endocarditis which is an infection of the inner lining of the heart.  This can destroy your heart valves and throw a person on a transplant list quick.  The theory was that my hips had torn during child birth and that an infection and blood clots had developed and then spread to my heart

This news rocked me.  All of a sudden the possibility of not getting to raise my children became real.  It terrified us all.  This is when I broke down.  At one point when I started to cry my mom walked out into the hall and Jay said " you have to stop crying in front of your mom, she cant handle it.  When you cry, she cries."

Obviously I am fine but the experience made a strange impact on me.  It made me realize that being vibrant is more than just important, it is a RESPONSIBILITY to the people that love you.  When we hurt, the people that love us hurt.  Life isnt just about me, its about my family that cried for me and prayed for me and suffered in behalf of me.  It was absolutely not my struggle alone.  When I hurt they hurt.

Because of this realization I have seen the importance of choosing to live vibrant.  I decided to surround myself with good people and to start progressing.  I went back to school (which was me choosing to live boring lol) and we have since had another baby (c-section this time).  Now I wanted to do something to help me progress and make me feel good.  

Even though I am not an expert I have an important message.  Chose to live well so the people around you are happier.  Your happiness and well being matter.  Don't make others suffer because you didn't accomplish your own goals.   As a group of positive people we can do this!!!

Stay strong day three is when efforts tend to taper off.  Check out the blog tomorrow for a video from entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jonny Johnson who you met earlier this week.  He has some good stuff to keep us plugging along.   Log fast only two more hours til the end of day 3

Live Vibrant!  


  1. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your story.

  2. Love it! I agree wholeheartedly that living vibrant matters and I'm grateful to you for putting on this challenge so I can live vibrantly with you! Love you!!

  3. Great post! Thanks for putting this together and helping us all to have better and happier lives.
