Sunday, August 10, 2014

Highlights :)

Big day tomorrow!  The 30 day challenge will officially start.  Please find me on myfitnesspal and leave me a little message with your full name so I know who you are.   You can search me by my email, voolevoo  We have a pretty big group but many of you that have emailed me or expressed interest have not actually added me as a friend on there so chop chop!!! Times a wastin :)
Just a reminder, after you hit that "finished logging" button on your food journal you must put a comment letting me know how many steps you achieved that day and if you hit your daily goal.

During the 30 day challenge keep your eye on the blog for some fun things.   We have some cool people that will be contributing.  The schedule will be as follows

Mondays:  We all know that Mondays can be hard so to kick off the week I will be doing a "Live Vibrant" segment that will highlight people who have not only seen a success in their health goals but have also found a way to live vibrant despite life being difficult.  Watch for these really cool people and their stories.

Tuesdays:  I don't know about you guys but I HATE HATE HATE trying to come up with ideas for meals.  I love to cook so if someone would just tell me what to make my life would be  much easier.  So on Tuesdays I will be featuring healthy recipes from our own participants.  Things that have made their lives easier and healthier.  I am really excited about this!

Wednesdays:  Look for health and fitness tips from Megan Roberts and Lex Grimley.  Megan worked as a trainer for years and years and has recently taken some time off to raise her little boys and complete some of her own fitness goals.  She is full of great ideas on how to maximize your workouts.  Lex is a PA that works in cardiology as well as an athlete.  He will give us a more clinical look at why making healthy decisions is important.

Thursday:  We have already spent three days trying hard and after Thursday there are three more days before our weekly winners are announced.  As the days drag on our motivation to keep going tends to suffer under our day to day routines.  Watch for videos on these days from motivational speaker Jonny Johnson to help us all finish off the week strong!!!

Friday:  The weekend is here.   We have all worked hard and are ready to relax (unless you work healthcare like me.  Lol the ER doesn't take a break on the weekend).  Sometimes it can be difficult for us to slow down our busy schedules and just simply be present in a moment.  Watch for stories on finding "Joy in the Journey.".

Saturday: Ha Ha it sucks to be my husband because he is not only forced to go along for this funny ride that I have created but to contribute as well.  I wanted to see just what a difference 30 days could make in someones life.  Watch for updates on his progress.  Let see what this guy can accomplish by giving it his all for the next 30 days!!

Sunday:  Watch for weekly winners to be announced on this day.  Please have your food journal completed by 10 pm so that I can add up the points and make the announcement.

For those of you who have not paid yet a pay pal account was set up.  It takes 2 days to complete so I will let you know when that option will be available to you all.

Good luck everyone.  Do your very best!  With the right support we can all do anything for 30 days!!!

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