Monday, August 4, 2014

I cant believe its almost here and how much response I have had to this challenge.  We have people signed up from California to South Dakota! I am really really excited about some of the people who will be contributing to the blog during the 30 day challenge.  We will hear from people that live vibrant lives, recipes, fitness tips, and information from health care professionals.  I also have some AMAZING companies that have offered to sponsor our weekly and grand prizes!!
For those of you have not found me on myfitnesspal yet get on there soon.  I have had to give a few tutorials on how to make this work so you will want to be familiar with it before we begin.  I just wanted to reassure people that I CANT see what you eat or when you eat unless you actively change the privacy settings.  So dont worry about me being all up in your business :)  It will automatically show me what I need to see for the competition when you hit the "finished logging" button at the end of the day.  You will also need to put a comment on that post of how many steps you got and if you achieved your daily personal goal. 
When you do find me as a friend make sure that you add a little note with your real name.  There is lots of friend requests coming my way and I don't always recognize the usernames.  
Tomorrow I will be creating an account that people can electronically put their 5 dollars in so you dont have to dig out a stamp from deep in the junk drawer just to get that in to me.  I will post that information here tomorrow. You guys can email at if you have questions before Monday. 
Im getting really excited to start this should be a fun thing!!!

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