Friday, August 15, 2014

Letting the little things impact you...

Hello everyone, I want to commend you on your 30 day challenge! I am honored to be sharing with you pieces of my life and simple inspirations in hope to add to your physical journey. Getting our lives in order to make a physical change to our bodies is more than just clean eating, exercise, and counting calories.
To make a real change, we must not only retrain our bodies, 
but condition our mind and soul. 
To recognize that every day we are given a new start. A new start at reaching our goals. What little change will you make today to keep you on the path to becoming your better self?

First, a little about name is Vanessa Merrill. I am wife to Boss Man, mother to three wonderful children, and live in a small town in the middle of Kansas. I am a stay at home momma and photographer. We are originally from Utah and miss it like crazy. But, are grateful for the chance to get away from the city life and slow down a bit. Even if that means going without a Target down the street. I know, first world problems! I have been through hell and back, had to find out what I was really made of, and through it all...learned to love myself. Best part of going through hard times, yes...there is a good learning more about yourself then you ever would have otherwise. And when we can find the good in the bad places, think how sweet the good will be in the good places. Pretty much it's what I call "magic." My hope is to inspire you to write down your own thoughts and really get real with yourself. I challenge you to start seeing life in a different manner and strengthen you mental power.

my little thing this week...

We recently were in Utah, and besides seeing our family and friends, getting out in nature was on the top of my list. The old saying "you never know how much you miss something until it's gone" rings true when it comes to how much I miss the mountains. I had to get out in them. I had to feel small again in their vastness. I had to feel the crisp air and take in their majestic beauty. From the moment we entered the canyon I felt home. It was familiar, comforting, and breath taking. The morning light glistened as we followed it's curves to the top. Sending sparkles of gold as it fell onto the trees and meadows. When we reached the top and I stepped out of the car, I said a little prayer of gratitude for the beauty that was around me. I took it in. I took it all in. I watched as our little family started the hike, kids smiling and ready for adventure. We walked, and talked, and enjoyed being in Gods country. My heart was full. I was at peace. My body felt strong again. I wanted to run, run as fast as I could. The kind of run with your arms stretched out as wide as you can get them, so you can grab a hold of the air around you. Then stopping, pausing as if to freeze this moment. Soaking every ounce of it in. Smelling the air, feeling the breeze, and letting the sun warm my soul. Every step energized me. Made me feel alive. Oh how I have missed that feeling. There is something about doing what you love, what you really love that nurtures your spirit. It heals you, it lifts you, and it makes you whole again. When we reached the top of our hike, we walked into one of God's small jewels. A tiny piece of his creation that is still untouched. A small lake at the top of a mountain that was calm. Serenity at it's finest. It was peaceful and gave me remembrance to what this life is really about. Us...our family...and living our lives to the fullest. This was only a couple of hours of one day in my life, but even though it was was big in the impact it made on my soul. It was just what I needed. Just what I needed to refuel.

 What is it that impacts your soul?

What is it that stops you long enough to give gratitude?

What is it that makes your feel alive?

And what are you doing to make sure you feel something bigger than yourself daily?

How sad it would be if we didn't have the little things in this life to help give the big things more meaning. Big or small, let life impact you. Let go of the fears, guilt, or struggles that hold you from feeling tiny joys everyday. It can be as simple as driving slower to take in the town you live in. Laughing with a friend, morning snuggles with your children, kissing your husband goodnight, or watching for beautiful sunsets to remind you that life is good. Whatever it may be, pause...enjoy it. Recenter your mind and make the hard things seem small. I challenge you this week to get out and do something that is not only good for your body, but good for you soul. Let life touch you and write it down. I would love to hear what you do and how it made you feel.  Life's tiny gifts are what make our journeys priceless.

Have a fabulous week...can't wait to hear from you, until next week...xoxo ~V

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