Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day One Success!!

Success!!!!  Wow I cant believe what I am seeing on fitnesspal so far.  You guys had an incredible start to the challenge!!  Great job guys.  Post fun things in the Facebook page if you can.  Share stories successes, questions, funny things.  Lets do what we can for each other to keep our momentum high!!  Massive action here!  Remember from last challenge the post with the ship.  We rise as a group!!

So there are lots of questions which is just fine.  This is easy and fun, no stress challenge.  Feel free to message me and your team captains we will get the bugs worked out.  For those people that havent quit finished registering (or even started lol) just jump in as soon as you can.  You are welcome at any time to join and will still qualify for weekly prizes. 

PayPal Information:  Here is a step by step for those of you that want to pay your money on pay pal  This money will be collected by Andrea Murtha.  She is a team captain and an amazing accountant, the official accountant of our challenge.  Once the money is all collected ( I was kind of hoping we would have that my Sunday night because our first weekly winners are Wednesday) I will try to account for all of that on the blog so that you all know how much was collected and where that will be going.  Remember I am not making money off this challenge every cent of it will go towards the winners.

Create an account or just log in if you already have one.
On the top of the screen towards the right hand side you can click on "Pay or Send Money."
On the next screen choose "send money to friends or family" the option on the right.
Type in the email
The screen will ask for your payment information there.
There was a .33 cent charge associated with this when I did the process.  If you would prefer you can give me or your team captain the money personally.

 On tomorrow's blog I will be making an anouncement about a good opportunity for our group members.  On the day following that I will be introducing the blog contributors who will start posting cool stuff on Monday!!  Im pretty excited about the lineup of people who will be posting on there.

Thanks so much for a great day you guys!!!
Live Vibrant!

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