Tuesday, September 30, 2014

New Beginnings

Well here I am up extra early and completely floored by how many new people are starting this next 30 day challenge with us tomorrow.  Many of you don't even know who I am lol!!    How exciting though, all of the new friends we are going to make :)

Tomorrow is the big day, a new beginning!!!   For those of you that were not part of our last challenge or maybe even those that have joined the Facebook community but not committed yet by finding me on myfitnesspal I thought I would share a few successes with you all from the last challenge

First of all the reason this is a HEALTH challenge and not a weight loss challenge is because not everyone is trying to lose weight but everyone should be making healthy decisions.

Second because weight loss is overwhelming.  People don't start or they give up on weight loss so my intent with this health challenge was to shift our mindsets.  If we start making healthy decisions weight loss will be a healthy side effect.

So with that in mind I wanted to share with you a few comments from emails I was receiving in the last week of the last 30 day challenge.  I was so surprised at the results people were able to get in just 30 days with a simple shift of their mind.

One girl whose goal it was to lose her last eight pounds of baby weight told me how surprised she was at the amount of calories she was consuming for breakfast.  Becoming aware helped her to lose four pounds in the challenge.  This may seem small but she achieved 50% of her goal and her pants were loose!!  It doesn't take much to be able to button up jeans easier!

Team Captain success:  These are some of the comments that came from our team captains last time.

My husband lost 14 pounds,  another girl sent me an email that said she was FINALLY able to bust through a weight she had been sitting at forever!!  Another girl said she lost two inches off her waist.  Another lost one!.  Once girl who had given up on losing weight dumped ten pounds without even realizing!!

My favorite success story came from another woman who was told she was pre diabetic.  In the 30 days she didn't weigh herself once!!! she committed to getting her 10,000 steps and logging her food.  A month later she went back to the doctor and both were excited to see that she had lost ten pounds!  This stopped her from needing metformin and her bad cholesterol came down 20 points.  For this frustrated girl a shift in her mindset saved her from being labeled a diabetic.

So with some of those little tidbits I wanted to encourage you all to commit to a number.  This can be any number for any reason but commit!!  Each of these people discussed above committed to their 10,000 steps and their weight loss was a happy side effect of that.   For me, I commit again to my 10,000 steps.  I also lost ten pounds last time as well (lol I still have masters degree weight and baby weight to go).  Here is a list of other numbers you can commit to.

15:  March in place for 15 minutes.  Watch funny TV while you do it.  15 minutes of dedicated time to yourself will ensure that you hit your 10,000 steps. Laughing, that's important too :) Its my favorite thing to do.

5:  Hit your five points every day!!  Our grand prize winners Tresa and Jay used this as the key to their success.  

1:  Try one new thing.  One of our live vibrant people ran her first mud run and had a blast doing something new.

30: Commit to logging food for 30 days.   You can do almost anything for 30 days!!

Make this number simple, something that that doesn't get you down or overwhelm you.  Write it on your bathroom mirror and celebrate it as if it is already done!!!  This will be fun.

Don't forget to share things on the facebook page.  Anyone can post on there and it was fun to see motivational things that other people liked to look at.  People who posted frustrations on there were lifted up by our whole community!!!   Get involved we need you :)

Find me on fitnesspal, commit to a number, take before pictures, or measurements then tuck them away and dont worry about them again until the end.  They are not the focus just a fun way to see just what you have accomplished

I'm excited for tomorrow I hope you all are too!!!

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