Thursday, October 16, 2014

Live Vibrant: Kathy Paul

Okay you guys I am so excited to post this segment because this lady is a true inspiration.  When I told my mom that I was getting lots of emails about doing a second 30 day health challenge she lit up and told me I had to meet Kathy.   Her story gives me chills.  She works soo hard to be exact with  her diet and exercise and has logged into myfitnessapal for more than 610 consecutive days!!  Not only is she logging but I see that she is cheering others on in their health journey as well.   I am so glad that Kathy and I have become friends!  She inspires me and shows me that there is NO reason that I can not accomplish anything I put my mind to.  Thank you for living vibrant.  This girl truly can do hard things!!

My story of success on myfitnesspal began on Feb. 11, 2013 (exactly 13 years from the time I was paralyzed with a spinal cord injury).  My weight was 370lbs. and I was 61 years old.  My metabolism was slow even before the car accident causing my paralysis, so the idea that I could actually reach my goal one day was overwhelming.  My son (Glenn) and his wife (Christina) provided all my food (fresh and pre-measured) for the first three months, as well as, downloading MFP and helping me set goals for success.  Having spent so much time sick and in the hospital, I was motivated by my faith in a blessing I received, which stated that if I lived my nutrition program with exactness, I would have no illness or injury.  I began one meal, one snack, and one day at a time.  Because of the difficulty of being taken to the hospital to be weighed in my wheelchair, I have only weighed-in approximately every 10 weeks.  As of my last weigh-in on July 25, 2014, I had lost over 85 lbs. (an average of about one pound per week).  Now, having just passed my 600th day, I have never exceeded my 1,300 calorie goal; I have had no treats and no greasy fried food; I have stayed within my percentage goals on carbs.,fats, and proteins.  I am so very happy to say that I have had no illness or injury, and I take no medication (which is a miracle to all of the health care professionals who work with me).  I realize I still have a long road ahead of me, but the support I've had from family and friends has been incredible and inspiring for me!  I wanted to join the 30-day challenge to help me set higher goals in my exercise routine, and to change a bad habit I have developed of saving 200-300 calories to eat after 10:00 PM at night.  Thank you for sharing all your doing as it makes me feel like I am not just isolated in this room, but a part of something wonderful


  1. I thought I commented already but it's not showing up so I really hope it doesn't post twice :)
    This story is so amazing and inspiring to me. It makes me want to try harder tomorrow! Thank you!!

  2. Wow. I love this story. Thank you so much for sharing Kathy. Only eating 1300 calories a day is really tough! Your persistance and stamina is admirable and is an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work!
