Friday, October 10, 2014

The Event, The People, The Scan, The Spa, The Prizes, The Cause!

The Event
Wow the day has come! I have worked so hard to make our event tomorrow even the tiniest bit informative.  My nerves are high I normally don't come out of my shell and I NEVER plan events.  So here goes nothing!
So the location of the Scan/Face Spa party  is.........

8014 South Welby Park Dr. Suite 201

This is approximately 4450 west on the Southwest corner of New Bingham Highway and Airport Road
At this event we will be trying to provide you with the opportunities to "Know Your Numbers."  We will have the Pharmanex Biophotonic Scanner, Blood Pressure, Body Fat, and Measurements.  As a perk we will also have trainers available to answer questions and showing a fun new style of bootcamp.  People will be allowed to work out as well as they are waiting for their turn or for the face spa fun.

You are not obligated to do any of these stations they are just meant to be fun and informative.  You will go home with a paper containing your score/numbers so that we can all get to work on improving our health!!

The People
April Robinson: has been a business owner and operator for the last 25 years.  She has been in the health and wellness industry for the past 7 years.  After a lifelong struggle with weight she has just lost 80 pounds and is healthier than ever while using pharmanex scanner as a guide.

Scott Robinson: Scott has 30 years experience in retail management and has been a gym owner for the last seven.  He has also made some amazing changes in his personal health and is now an IACT personal trainer and wellness coach.  He has spent the last seven years helping people achieve their own personal and professional goals.  The knowledge he has gained from Pharmanex and their scanner helped him achieve more energy and greater overall health.

Shannon Adams:  Shannon first got involved with Pharnamex after her mom won, YES WON, The Biggest Loser.  The dramatic results that making positive lifestyle changes has had on her entire family has instilled a passion in her to give back.  She is own of the big wigs and Beyond Weight loss, a group of people dedicated to supporting others in their journey towards health.
The Scan

The measurement of your Skin Caroteniod Score is an indication of tissue carotinoid concentrations and provides a good indication of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the body (that is what makes an apple go brown).  Your score is reflective of long-term lifestyle habits.   (YIKES these numbers dont lie)

Factors that influence your score include

1) Your Diet: Typically people who eat more than 5 servings of deeply colored fruits and veggies have high scores

2) Your Supplementation: Typically people who consume well formulated(HIGH QUALITY) nutritional supplements containing  phytonutrient antioxidants have higher scores.

3) Your Body Fat: People who have a high percentage of body fat typically have lower scores.  Reducing your body fat to an acceptable Body Mas Index will increase your score

4) Your Lifestyle: High levels of oxidative stress and exposure to free radicals decrease your score.  Smoking, pollution, excessive sunlight, stress, and toxins are common sources of these free radical.

5) Your Genes: Individual differences in your body's predetermined ability to absorb caroteniods will impact your score.  

The Spa

AMAZING!! Need I say more!!!  you cant even buy this bad boy in the United
States yet so how LUCKY are we to be playing with it today.  This spa stimulates the skin for an improved appearance.  It improves facial toning and features Micro current technology.  The Face Spa has received FDA clearance as a class II medical device for over the counter cosmetic use and is very close to being available to all :)
The Prizes

I tried to do what I can to make it fun.  You can put your name in the raffle box when you walk through the door.  Some of the prizes coming in are 

Free Haircut of $20.00 Value from Kyla Cunningham at Studio Salons in the Jordan Medical Plaza
Jamberry Nails from Lindsey Bean Click Here for more Jamberry!
Shirts, waterbottles, and ear phones from Intermountain Riverton Hospital. 
Free Gym passes and boot camps from Thrive Fitness

Thanks so  so much to all of our contributors.  We appreciate your support. 

The Cause
In addition to trying to support our participants to the best of my ability I am dedicated to giving back  Some of you have seen that I am collecting yarn for Nancy Webster, one or our own 30 day challenge family!  This would be a good time to drop off your yarn you have laying around your house.  

Another cause that is near and dear to my heart is Nourish the Children.  The Nourish the children initialtive recently surpassed 350 million donated meals.  Since its inception in 2002, Nourish the Children has been supported by a steady stream of VitaMeal purchases and donations. If you have any spare change laying around your house (next to the yarn lol) these donations will be used to nourish over 100,000 every day in countries around the world.  Thank you thank you for your kindness!!!

I cant wait to see you guys tomorrow.  I am itching for a huge turnout!  I look forward to putting faces with all the names of the amazing people in our challenge, their friends and their families

Stace :)

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