Thursday, October 9, 2014


WOW what an incredible week.  I am beyond impressed with the group of people we have participating this time.  I am so happy to announce this weeks $40 cash prize winner is Wendy Daniels!!!

Wendy comes from team Reed and let me tell you this girl is a MACHINE!! She is turning in ridiculous amounts of steps at the end of the night.  I had to finally email her a few days into the challenge to ask her what the heck she is up to every day to get so many steps!  She says its her normal Mommy routine.  WOWIE  Congrats Wendy

The $25 consistency prize this week goes to another busy mom MarKell Hadlock.  She comes from team Limb and joined the challenge as one of our most fierce competitors!!!  MarKell is as fun as she is strong and I am so happy she is with us this round!!

Okay you guys remember if you have room for improvement you can still be winners!  Wednesday mornings we all start at zero points. I do the competition this way so that those who struggle one week still have the opportunity to be a weekly winner the next week.  TRY TRY TRY to get every point you can because at the end every single point you have earned counts towards the grand prize so they will come back in the end to count in your favor!!! 

Live Vibrant this week!!!
Stace :)

1 comment:

  1. ok this is my third time trying to comment. my computer has issues :) i hope it doesn't show up 3 times :)
    Thanks sooooo much!!!!
