Monday, September 1, 2014

Winner Winner: Rob and DeAnn

So I had to do things a bit different this week.  Normally the free month gym pass to Anytime Fitness would go to the person with the high score, which was Rob, but there is not a location in his area.  So I switched the two prizes.  Deann, who was only one point behind Rob, will win the gym pass and Rob is taking home a water bottle and earphones from one of our sponsors, Riverton Hospital, as well as a small cash prize.  Each of these prizes are a $30.00 prize (I know lol, big spenders here).

This weeks prize winners are a big deal because they are becoming stronger competitiors while some of us, me included, are starting to get a little wimpy.  There are a few others, Like Kathy and Lorene, who are also heating up our challenge!! Great job guys.

Also, Intermountain Healthcare did a story on our 30 day challenge for their newsletter that is sent out to all of their employees.  Wildly embarrassing but here is the link if you want to copy and past it to your browser to read.

Don't forget the photo challenge!!!  10,000 or bust.  Sent me those pictures we have a bunch of photographers in our group!!!

Be strong this week guys.  Three weeks in and it all starts getting mundane.  Break through that the end is soooo close.  

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