Wednesday, September 10, 2014


WOWIE What a fun post to write.  Before I announce the winners I just want to thank all of you again for supporting me by participating in the challenge.  What we did together was a good thing.  By making small every day decisions like logging our food and getting 10,000 steps great changes will eventually happen! I am truly grateful for all of the new friendships that I have because of this challenge.  Please please join our next challenge as well.  The next one will be announced in the next week as soon as I have team captains established.  This challenge will start in October!!!  

I wanted to send an especially big thank you to Jonny Johnson, and Vanessa Rae Merrill for all of your support each week.  I couldn't have done this without you guys.  Thank you to Megan Roberts, Maggie Freer, Jessica Day, Becah Ogden, Lex Grimley, and Jessica Smith Olsen for giving us expert advice and to all of our participants that shared their inspiring stories.  Over 100 people a day read your words on our blog.  Love you guys!!

Thanks to all of the companies and people that sponsored us as well
Riven Athletics went above and beyond for our group and donated some great prizes!
Jayreed Homes for donating money for a weekly winner
Laura Klarman and Intermountain Riverton Hospital for our weekly consistency prizes!
Scott and April Robinson for our grand prize free year member ship to Thrive Fitness
Rachel Dimmick and Anytime Fitness for our weekly winners and grand prize winners!!!!

Your amazing contributions are greatly appreciated!!!

Now for last weeks winners!!!!

 Congrats to Jamie Rust Winner of our month free membership to Anytime Fitness!!!!  This girl would text me at 11pm to tell me she was running around her house trying to get the last of her steps in.  Way to be dedicated Jamers!!!

Also congrats to Lorene Hreinson for our consistency award.  This is the mom of my good friend Sherron and I am so happy that Lorene had become my friend as well.  She is one of our participants that got stronger and stronger as the weeks went by instead of going the other direction.  Thank you for being a part of this!  I have enjoyed getting to know you.   You win an OGIO bag from Intermountain Riverton Hospital!!!


 Tresa is amazing.  She has had a perfect score of five points every day for the entire 30 days.  She had some amazing personal goals that she was able to accomplish and she was an amazing cheerleader to our other participants.  She contributed to our blog as well and I am so glad that she has become my friend.  Congrats you have won a $50.00 cash prize compliments of some of our participants five dollar buy ins lol.

  Jay Reed has also been an strong competitor with a perfect 5 point every day score.  He contributed a prize to our week one winner and will be featured on a bonus success blog post tomorrow.  Yup before and after pictures included lol.  Enjoy your year of work outs with Scott and April at Thrive Fitness, my personal favorite gym!


Our competition was soooo close I decided we had to have four big winners at the end!!!

Congrats to Luara Lewis and Dustin Croff who have put forth a strong effort the entire competition!!! I am so glad you were both part of our challenge!!! (Dustin dont kill me for using this picture.  I wanted to brag about you running multiple Ragnars!  I am one proud sister in law!!)

 Dustin and Laura you have won some amazing apparel (T- shirt and hat) from Riven Athletics!!  (I wanted this one for myself!)

 Last but not least our consistency winner for the entire competition goes to Kathy Wilson!!!  I am so excited about this award because she has been present the entire challenge!!  Even if she missed a point she logged faithfully and didnt let that get to her, she just came back strong the next day.  I have loved having her be in this challenge and cherish the little extra moments I have had with her.  Congrats for this weeks $25.00 prize!!!   Love you Kathy!

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