Friday, September 26, 2014

Wahoo for #2

I cant believe its time to start the second challenge!!! Sorry I am a little slow to get rules up here my schedule was thrown off from a sick grandpa that passed away.  SOOOO get moving quick if you are new to our second challenge!!!  Things are slightly different.....but only slightly!  I was originally going to do a different challenge altogether but I had so many emails thanking me for the simplicity of this one that I didnt want to make the next challenge to intense.  This is a Mommy friendly challenge!!!! lol n (P.S I dont know who the swimsuit chick is.  Lol I just put it on there to catch your attention on face book).

Getting Started!!

1) Registration: For those of you that are new please find me on the myfitnesspal app.  My email attached to that account is   Please include a message telling me your real name.  Some of you have very silly usernames that I don't recognize (but I laugh at later lol).
For those of you that did the previous challenge don't worry about finding me you are good to go.  You will however have to add your team captain as a friend.  These are the people that will be keeping track of your points for the duration of the challenge.  I am trying to assign everyone to team captains that they already know.  Its more fun that way.  Feel free to heckle the other teams a bit on the facebook page, Jay, Tresa, And Laurie are already up to some of that :)  For those of you logging your food with programs such as weight watchers that works too.  You will just have to report your food log differently to your captains.

2) $$$: There is a $10.00 buy in this time.   I had to up it a bit and the reason is I am doing all cash prizes this time.  Last time we had some really cool prizes from places like Intermountain Healthcare, Thrive fitness, Anytime Fitness and Riven athletics.  It was a little tricky to get these to people.  You can give your money to me or your team captain.  We are setting up an account for this challenge so for those of you that are out of the area or dont see us often that will be an option.   More information will come from your captains.  If this cost puts any sort of burden on you please do the challenge anyway.  Contact me privately we will make it work!!  All money goes towards weekly and end of challenge winners.  I will not keep a dime of money collected for the challenge!!

3) Pedometer!!!  This is the heart of the competition.  Please make sure you have a reliable pedometer.  By having a visual reminder and a defined goal of 6-10,000 steps a day we are ensuring success because we have a solid goal to work for.  If you are unable to obtain a pedometer or can not walk a 30 minute brisk walk will count towards points or modified exercise.  I know some people have surgeries coming up or have limited mobility anyway, contact me privately we will modify this for you please don't  feel cut out of the challenge you can still be a winner.

How It Works

Each person may acquire up to five points a day
1 point for 6,000 steps
1 additional point for hitting greater than 10,000 steps a day:  Walking buddies help!! Get a friend!  
1 point for keeping a food journal
1 additional point for staying within your goal calories (this will vary depending on your personal goal.)
1 point for a persona goal:  anything works here, make sure its a quality goal towards health.  No soda, no sugar, more fiber....all these things are good goals

Remember I cant see what or when you eat, just if you did log and if you hit your goal.  
WARNING:  My fitnesspal accounts for exercise and will increase your food calories.  Please do not eat to few calories!!!  It is important your are fueling your metabolism!!  Please be wise this is about health!

If you want more information on why I chose this criteria for points you can refer back to the first post on this blog.  For those of you unable to walk at this time we will modify it to something you can do.

Each night you will email your team captain and tell them your total points.  The easiest way to do this is to send messages on myfitness pal.  Your team captain can see that yes you are actually logging and hitting your goals.  This is the only information they can see I promise :)
By emailing them they know you are totally done for the day.  Don't rely on them seeing that you completed your journal because you may realize you have a few more steps to go to hit your calorie goal.  Email them so they know for sure!   At the end of the week they will turn in points to me and I will draw winners.   

There will be a weekly winner and a weekly consistency prize given.  Last challenge every weekly winner had a perfect five points every day so the competition is tight.  At this point it will be a $50.00 cash prize.  The team captains will give me the names of their members with the most points and the winner will be drawn randomly from a can win more than once!!

Consistency prize:  This is for those of you working hard that are unable to hit five points daily for one reason or another.  If you you log your food you are still showing an effort.  Those people who log food daily will be put in a drawing for another cash prize. 

NOTE: If we have more participants than expected this cash prize will go up and I will try to offer more weekly prizes.  I want as many people as possible to win so lets get recruiting!

If you have bad week and  know you wont be a prize winner recommit!!  You can still win the next week because points re set on Monday.   This allows us to make mistakes on our way. An accumulation of points counts towards the grand prize winner at the end of the 30 days though so remember EVERY POINT COUNTS!!!  Do what it takes to squeeze even one more point out of yourself.  Tresa and Jay won over the next highest score by 1 single tiny point!!!!   

At this time the grandprizer winner will be around $100.00 and the consistency prize for people that log food every day around 50.00.  Like I said...more participants means more winners so this may go up.

I am really excited about this you guys.  We made some really cool new friends last time.  We also saw some huge successes that I am going to be sharing with you next week when we start the competition.  I am so excited about all of the contributors to our blog this time as well!!!  So much fun stuff to learn and cool accomplishments to highlight!!  This is a fun, easy, low stress challenge so no excuses! Please find me on myfitness pal by Monday so I can send you info on who your team captain is.  If you have been recruited by a team captain let me know who they are and I will keep you together.

10,000 or BUST!!!!

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