Saturday, November 1, 2014

Final Thoughts

what an amazing challenge this has been!!! I am so excited for all of the new friends I have made and even more excited for the successes that have been shared on our Facebook page.  There are many of you that struggled but still gave it all you have and you also share in the success because you never gave up!!!!  

Throughout both challenges I have been trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can about health, success, happiness, all things vibrant :)   I wanted to share with you one of the best lessons that I have learned this time around. It comes from Bishop T.D Jakes' book "Instinct."

In this life there are turtles and there are giraffes.  A giraffe is tall and finds his food high in the trees.  A turtle finds his food on the ground and while he is not wrong his view of the world is different than the giraffes. The Giraffe see much much more, they have a higher vision for themselves because the turtles head is low to the ground.  The turtle can't reach the heights of the giraffe and if the giraffe bends down and lowers his vision to that of the turtle all of the blood rushes to his head and he passes out.

   Be The Giraffe!!!!

"When you are built to be tall you will endanger your position if you lower your perspective."

We have all had turtle moments when our vision for ourselves has been low and we have been stuck not knowing a different reality.  I hope that this challenge has at least shown you that you are capable of standing higher.  I hope that your successes no matter how big or small in the last 30 days will raise your necks to see a greater vision for yourselves.  

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for being here and for helping me to catch the vision!!!
I hope to see you all in our New Years 30 day challenge

Live Vibrant

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